Asset management

The Investment process is based on a disciplined procedure developed over the years, combining more than a decade of investment expertise. The three-factor analysis focuses on three key areas of fundamental, technical and sentiment analysis. The assumptions used for each factor are constantly being refined as new data emerge and the drivers of the market evolve.


Our mandates are defined mainly by a top-down approach, which looks at financial markets as a sum of different factors rather than asset classes. We believe correlation among such elements and the way they impact each other is by far the most critical variable within a multi asset portfolio.


Investment ideas are first analyzed, the correct instrument is selected later on.

Mandates are mostly directly managed with strong conviction ideas implemented internally. Part of mandates are managed by third parties funds who we deem have the necessary expertise to operate in specific market niches.

The Investment process is based on a disciplined procedure developed over the years, combining more than a decade of investment expertise. The three-factor analysis focuses on three key areas of fundamental, technical and sentiment analysis. The assumptions used for each factor are constantly being refined as new data emerge and the drivers of the market evolve.


Our mandates are defined mainly by a top-down approach, which looks at financial markets as a sum of different factors rather than asset classes. We believe correlation among such elements and the way they impact each other is by far the most critical variable within a multi asset portfolio.


Investment ideas are first analyzed, the correct instrument is selected later on.

Mandates are mostly directly managed with strong conviction ideas implemented internally. Part of mandates are managed by third parties funds who we deem have the necessary expertise to operate in specific market niches.


Support in the development and structuring of ad-hoc portfolios for the client. Investment consulting focused on the achievement of investment objectives through a tailored study of client’s needs and the employment of suitable instruments. Updating and active management of portfolio risk with constant communication to increase its transparency and strategic positioning. 360 degrees advice on asset allocation strategies and fiscal efficiency of the portfolio.

Client will also benefit from favorable economic conditions stipulated with a wide range of banks and the strict control of the correct and efficient implementation of orders.


Allocation of investment instruments in a model portfolio optimized on the basis of client’s expectations. These mandates consider full delegation of management to Zürcher Balmelli & Partners, respecting client’s investment objective and risk profile. In this context, however, it is possible to adopt investment restrictions in order to tailor the portfolio to client’s specific needs. The model portfolios represent the optimal allocation by the investment team, which pursues the management objectives with a top-down approach and a strategic and tactical allocation across all asset classes.


Consolidated analysis of risks and correlations between the various investment instruments used in clients’ portfolios. Evaluation of individual and aggregate portfolio performance compared to the reference markets and the main asset management mandates offered by the market; detailed analysis of the performance contribution. An effective monitoring is supported by sophisticated management and reporting tools capable of processing a large amount of data, while providing a personalized consolidated report for easy consultation. The consolidated report can also include unlisted asset classes such as private equity, real estate or other intangible assets.